Who is LFMA?

The Louisiana Floodplain Management Association (LFMA) is the Louisiana chapter of the national Association of State Floodplain Managers (ASFPM).  LFMA serves as a forum for parish and municipal employees, state and federal officials, and the private sector to meet and share experiences, ideas, and solutions to common flooding problems. As a grassroots effort, we assist and support each other when confronted by flooding. Essentially, we have become an extended family who enjoy and look forward to seeing each other on a regular basis. As such, we are more than another professional organization.

In 1983, representatives from regional planning commissions, parishes, municipalities, state agencies, and the private sector met in Lafayette Louisiana to discuss the need for an organization focusing on flooding damage reduction issues, the potential for success, and the goals of an association. As a result of this meeting, Lake Charles Louisiana hosted the first conference of the Louisiana Floodplain Management Association in 1984. After voting to formally organize, the participants established a LFMA ConstitutionLFMA Bylaws, and set of policies. In summary, our policies are:

  • encourage plans, projects, and legislation for flood damage reduction in Louisiana;
  • support comprehensive floodplain management;
  • will work for free and open exchange of scientific information to the public and decision makers;
  • provide and promote training and assistance to local governments; and
  • advocate coordination among all levels of government and existing programs.

Flood damage reduction can best be achieved through floodplain management, that is, a balanced combination of structural and nonstructural measures. Structural measures include levees, pumps, dams, channelization, diversions, and detention/retention ponds. Of equal importance are nonstructural measures, which encompass flood insurance, federal and state legislation, voluntary relocation, local codes, emergency preparedness, floodproofing, and mitigation plans and activities. No Adverse Impact concepts strive to save the community time and money when confronting a flood while at the same time protecting the health and safety of emergency workers and flood victims.


Our membership includes representatives from all levels of government (floodplain administrators, permit officials, agency personnel), the private sector (planners, engineers, surveyors, realtors, bankers, lenders, and insurance agents), and the university community. Full members, any public or private professional or elected official involved in flood management, may vote on Association issues, serve on committees, and receive discounts on Association activities. Student members are full or part-time students with an interest in flood management. Although students cannot vote, they may participate on committees.

The Louisiana Floodplain Management Association undertakes many activities:

  • ANNUAL STATE CONFERENCE each spring in a different community;
  • SEMI-ANNUAL WORKSHOPS where we share Louisiana experiences and information by traveling to you when invited;
  • PERIODIC NEWSLETTER – FLOODWATCH – which distributes information to LFMA members on flood related activities, programs, publications, and legislation.
  • NETWORK for our members to discuss problems, share solutions, or exchange ideas; and
  • RECOGNITION AND ATTENTION to our members and community leaders for outstanding or exemplary achievements.
  • INTERFACE WITH the Association Of State Floodplain Managers to whom we pass your ideas and concerns for ultimate presentation to Congress and other states.

Our strength lies in a diverse membership representing a cross-section of people from and about Louisiana. We, therefore, include all regions in our decisions, operations, and functions. In addition to a Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer, the Board of Directors seats eight representatives from the planning regions of the state, the Chair Emeritus, Workshop Coordinator, and Committee Chairs. The Regional Representatives work on the Annual Conference and workshops; volunteer as speakers at local meetings; help develop responses to issues when the board chooses to comment on issues of state or national concern; distribute information to their regional members; and bring ideas from the region to the board. We encourage you to become active in the Louisiana Floodplain Management Association. You may participate as much as time will allow you to commit.

Annual Membership Dues

Member Type             Dues
Individual $55
Student $25
Lifetime (20+ yrs) $0