LFMA has a diverse group of Floodplain Management professionals. Our membership is made up of Floodplain Administrators, Emergency Managers, Planning & Zoning, Public Works, Code Enforcement, GIS/Tech, Engineers, Grant Managers, and other professional services. The annual technical conference is a great opportunity for our members and others interested in the field of Floodplain Management to be educated on interesting ongoing projects, new initiatives/rules, and basic floodplain principles. This year's conference will be at the City Club at River Ranch in Lafayette, Louisiana. Speakers will be expected to register for the conference and make their presentation in person. Our venue this year has space for break out sessions which means there is the opportunity for speakers to present their topics to our members either in the full plenary setting or in the smaller breakout sessions. Please select the topic as best as possible, and if applicable, which break out subject you feel your presentation will fit best. Individuals are encouraged to submit with others as a panel discussion along with a moderator for their session. We would love to have students join us this year and present a research project or design idea, via presentation or poster. If you know a student or professor please pass this information along to them. If you are interested in presenting at the conference please submit an abstract at this LINK Abstracts are due by Thursday, January 18, 2024 and notifications of selection will be announced by Monday, January 22, 2024. Proposals constituting sales pitches or advertising for products or services will not be considered.